The lightbulb moment…
Back in 2013, during a night out in Bath, a lightbulb moment struck.
Was it the bar I was in?
Was it the six pints I’d had?
No … It was the difficulty I was having seeing what the bar had on offer! Not even on offer … What it was selling!
That got me thinking.
What could improve a brands identity, stand out, shout
The answer to my own question was simple. A bit of brightness, maybe some movement?
That was the lightbulb moment … Digital Pump Clips!
For weeks I searched in the usual way. Google, social media, anything that could lead me to this obvious product.
Could I find anything? No.
Had I stumbled across a gap in the market? There was only one way to find out. A patent lawyer!
The journey began.
While I was trying to keep a lid on my excitement and doing the legal but necessary stuff, my partner went to work on the product.
What started off as a simple clip soon became more. Anything positioned on the bar with a screen was included. It needed more though. Not old fashioned USB updates, we needed remote connectivity. Wifi was key.
What we thought was going to be a simple journey was not. Our predictions of mass market takeover and overnight success was short lived. What’s followed since has been years of hard work and commitment. The determination to succeed.
Digital transformation is everywhere. Some sectors have already implemented changes to the way they work while others are adapting a slower pace.
Like it or not, change happens and always will.
While this can be looked upon by some through negativity, we can’t stop progress.Slow it down? Yes
Stop it? Never.
I believe that our investments to date will put us in the best position to support companies looking to transform digitally over the coming twelve months and beyond.
We will continue to invest in our company while working together to support our clients needs. New products controlled from one interface will create some fantastic and scalable group options.There are huge opportunities coming over the next three to five years. We can’t wait!
Meet the people behind the idea
Ian Locke
Founder & all-round nice bloke.
Over 30 years in retail environments and loves challenges.
Understands the importance of engaging with customers and has passion in bucket loads.
Talks a lot and very excitable. Sometimes too much.
Married with four boys and one very noisy household.
Loves taking his Labrador Boris out for a walk to get some peace and quiet.
Loves family, friends and a good laugh …… Did we mention beer?!
Angela Payne
Over 30 years of experience working within a team at local authorities and always happy to help out.
Loves the great outdoors (must be the farming background in her blood)
Often found getting stuck in at festivals and sampling the latest offerings in the Gin tent.
Spends time between Bristol and St Ives in Cornwall, amongst others. Loves travelling and experiencing new things.
Great sense of humour and always up for a laugh...….Did we mention beer?
Glen Houston
Working within the Beverage industry for most of his professional career, Glen has a broad knowledge for the On trade, being specifically passionate about all things beer.
With a penchant for technology, it was a natural fit for joining the DIS team, to drive all things digital.
Loves travelling, mountain biking, and snowboarding.